Past Blog Posts
How I Beat My Eating Disorder
In this post, I share with you a special story that helps to explain why I love what I do as your trainer. If you have ever struggled with an eating disorder, or know someone who has, I hope you will read this and find hope. If you are currently struggling with an eating disorder, please know I will be frankly sharing information that could be considered "triggering." But more importantly, please know it doesn't have to always be this way.
Think You Can’t Eat What You Like and Still Lose Weight? Think Again! Why You NEED to Eat What You Like TO Lose Weight!
You’ve probably heard it before: in order to lose weight, you have to eat “clean” or “cut out the junk.” Seems logical, right? After all, eating junk and “dirty” is what likely put the extra pounds on anyway. Ready to have your mind blown? It’s probably not. Read on to find why.

Owning It
I truly believe one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to manage their weight is to pretend like they are only supposed to like eating bland “healthy” stuff like boiled chicken, plain broccoli, and no more than 22 almonds per day (or insert whatever else you have been told or consider to be “healthy”). This is nonsense. When you tell yourself these lies, you are not being true to yourself. And when you stop being true to yourself, you cannot possibly commit yourself to long-term, sustainable change. Read more here.
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